Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A wee place called Waipu

Image from
A wee bit like Scotland especially around January 01 where they have
a Hogmanay party and the Highland games the next day.
By the way the guy in the photograph is throwing the hammer not swinging the latest breakthrough in oversize drivers.
We’ve bypassed Whangarei on our way south because you guessed it we’re still looking for links’ style golf courses and we’ve got it here at Waipu.
And here’s where we’ll play

Image from waipugolfclub
Oh by the way they’ve now put the axe to lots of trees and it now has that blasted heath look about it.And some bonnie heather to boot.
By the way the photos on their site don’t do full justice to this bonnie piece of linksland.

Can't say you'll be piped to the tee by a piper.
Image from which is a wee place to stay while at Waipu - A wee bit of Scotland in the North Island New Zealand