Monday, February 06, 2006
Golfing in Godzone (aka New Zealand)

Ok so where have I been for the last wee while hence no postings.
Well eat your heart out those of you shivering and there's no
show because of snow..
If you're like me and like links' style courses. How about this glimpse from
one of Godzone's best links' style golf courses.
Click here to find out more about playing Muriwai
Trust me I've played some of the best in Scotland and Muriwai is verrrry good.
If you've read the previous posts you'll see I was on my way from Royal Dornoch
and got as far as the Isle of Arran en route to travelling the world.
However since it's summer here thought I'd take a break from snowy Scotland
and give you a guided tour of the golfing variety in Godzone.
Caveat emptor - should you buy into coming to Godzone based on my comments.
I reiterate I'm a links’ man and prioritize on them rather than parkland courses.
For those not familiar with Godzone geography here's a wee map.

Image from New Zealand on the web