Sunday, October 17, 2004


What's that fishy smell?

We've left the Granite City behind on our way to Carnoustie.

Now what's that fishy smell wafting our way?
We must coming close to Arbroath, home of the Arbroath Smokie

Here I am 12,000 miles away and the tasty smell is as fresh as the bygone days when I would never drive through Arbroath without stopping and buying some Arbroath Smokies.

There's even a recipe for them in The Giant British Cookbook

And if you're a homesick Arbrothian I recommend that you don't go here because here's a great photo shot of preparing Smokies in the traditional way

And for the historian in our midst.
The Declaration of Arbroath was prepared as a formal Declaration of (Scottish) Independence. It was drawn up in Arbroath Abbey on the 6th April 1320, most likely by the Abbot, Bernard de Linton, who was also the Chancellor of Scotland.

The Arbroath Golf Club's formal title also takes us back to the bygone days of gentlemen golfers and artisans - Arbroath Artisan Golf Club

Workers of the world unite and if you're in the area go there but not into the wee burn that comes into play no less than 11 times.
And once again thanks to Mark Rowlinson for leading me to the link for this links golf course.

Finally, what follows may sound like joke to you Sassenachs but it's true.

The European Commission have granted the humble (but tasty) Arbroath Smokie the same protection as such products as Champagne, Roquefort cheese and Parma ham and the distinctive smoked haddock will now carry the commission's protected-product symbol

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