Monday, October 25, 2004


Opens in England only count as half a major

Keeping with the theme of Carnoustie and again an article
Remembering the braw laddie at Carnoustie by John Huggan

This time about his first sight of Tom Watson and his triumph at Carnoustie.
Opens in England only count as half a major is Huggan's assessment of the relative value of winning an Open in Scotland and an Open in England.

And just loved this wee story.

Two years ago, while staying in the Marine Hotel in North Berwick, Watson watched in fascination from his bedroom window as player after player attempted to hit the admittedly rather silly 16th green on the town's west course.
So fascinated was he that, late in the evening, he went out and tried the hole for himself. Unfortunately, he had not paid for his ticket and the club secretary asked him, politely, to take his leave, Open champion or not.

And I'll leave you with the thought - could this have happened anywhere but in Scotland?

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