Wednesday, October 20, 2004


A case of un-claret thinking

Hullo there Carnoustie!
To start with allow me to indulge in a wee bit of nostalgia and have a wee look at the wee main street of Carnoustie

Following up that view of the shot yesterday of what Jean faced at the 18th in 1999 this excellent article by none other than Dan Jenkins

A case of un-claret thinking : The collapse of the century creates a crazy Open at Carnoustie - 1999 British Open at Carnoustie, Scotland

Just loved this passage about Jean's choice of going with a 2-iron

As Jean said later in regard to the ill-chosen 2-iron shot that caused him all the trouble: "It hit the grandstand and bounced backward, but you know, it could have hit someone on the head and bounced forward."

And there's some who still say he had rocks in his head to go with a 2-iron - myself not included after all - fortibus Fortuna favet - but not on every occasion

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