Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Geez Jack Part 2

Following up on yesterday's Geez Jack post
This from Frank Beard's golf column in SI

Gerrit Jan Stobbe - Question
Tiger Woods has said that Americans are at a disadvantage in the Ryder Cup because they also have to play the President's Cup also. Is it unfair that Americans have to play two tournaments, or are they looking for excuses, beyond the fact that the Europeans play as a real team and not as 12 individuals.--Gerrit Jan Stobbe, Leeuwarden, Netherlands

Frank Beard reply
Turn your question around and make a statement out of it and you have your answer. Some of our professional golfers are very spoiled, and I'm sorry it is so apparent to someone so far away.

You'll note if you go there Frank also makes some comments about the Women's pro tour.
But I won't go there since there's already too many females who consider me a male chauvinist of the worst kind - A Scottish chauvinist. And some of them could well be reading this blog. And they'd never believe that I'm being objective - more like objectionable.

Also, as with Jack, can't agree. This time with McGinley wants Irish leader

The next part of my world wide golf tour on the www continues tomorrow.
To whet your appetite here's a great photo shot of Royal Dornoch

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