Dreaming my day away thinking how one day I'd like to play in at least one of the
Drambuie Classics
I came across this wee sorry but true tale
The climax of the third Drambuie Golf Classic brought perhaps the most bizarre two-stroke penalty applicable to any unfortunate golfer, a penalty that cost the player concerned the overall victory in the event.
Having asked his partner to attend the pin at the 18th at Kingsbarns (his 72nd and final hole) Longniddry club member Ronnie Nisbet, watched as his ball rolled past the hole and struck the pin being held behind the back of one of his group. Following a confab in the clubhouse it was confirmed that his excellent 37-point total had been reduced to 35, a reduction that dropped him into second place one behind the final winner Averil Sutcliffe.
So what was the ruling? Well the rule was clear enough and never in dispute, the big debate afterwards was how fair was it for a player to lose an event due to the error of an opponent? Well technically by asking player two to hold the pin player one had handed him his responsibility and that is ultimately what the penalty is applied for. Fair? Well the rules are there and are fairly applied. It was certainly a tough way to lose an event that had been lead from start almost to finish but we reckon that Ronnie Nisbet may in future be able to explain the rules regarding flags and greens.
And if your dream has come true how you've won the lottery.
Get going now and send in your entry
- The Drambuie Classics are very popular
5th - 9th June 2005
Drambuie Fife Golf Classic
St Andrews Bay (Devlin)
St Andrews Bay (Torrance)
And believe me Ladybank isn't just there to make up the numbers
Or ask the Golden Bear or Seve who played an exhibition match there
in weather 'fit for gods'.
# posted by Stan @ 9:02 AM